Bulletin #8 of the International Committee of Writers for Peace of PEN International

Fecha: 11 diciembre, 2023

The PEN Uruguay Center shares with its members and friends this Bulletin #8 of the International Committee of Writers of PEN international, which is made up of the following content:

·       Germán Rojas – Education for peace

·       Tanja Tuma – A powder keg in the middle of Europe

·       Neža Vilhelm – Interview with Jennifer Clement

·       Resolution on threats to freedom of expression, peace and

·       stability in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia

·       Dessale Berekhet – «War is Peace» and «Peace is War»!

·       Rainny Richard Ansumana – The employees’ struggle

·       Antonio Della Rocca -Taking care of migration is a contribution to peace

·       Hamed Aynehvand – Manifestations of fear

·       Poetry Corner (William Khalipwina Mpina)

It should be noted that the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization counted that in 2022, 86 journalists and media workers will be murdered around the world.

Latin America and the Caribbean was the deadliest region for journalists in 2022, with 44 homicides, more than half of all those murdered in the world.

Mexico tops the list of countries that recorded the highest number of homicides with 19 murders, followed by Ukraine with nineteen and Haiti.

Almost half of the deceased informants were traveling, at home, in parking lots and other public places outside their workplace. An increasing trend in recent years that, according to UNESCO, “implies that there are no safe spaces for journalists, not even in their free time.”

Read the full newsletter below:
