Latest Pen international releases on attacks on freedom of expression in Latin America
Fecha: 20 septiembre, 2022

We share some statements from Pen International that express deep concern over recent events that put the work of journalists, writers and artists in Latin America at risk.

Hostility and threats against journalist Sandra Rodríguez Cotto

Image obtained from

Pen International condemned on August 30 «the threats and the long campaign of defamation against the writer and investigative journalist Sandra Rodríguez Cotto that show the climate of hostility in which journalists work in Puerto Rico.» It added that, “Since 2017, Rodríguez Cotto has been the target of multiple attacks, harassment, public harassment, and campaigns that follow a pattern that attempts to create hate speech” against the Puerto Rican journalist.

To read this full declaration click on the following link:

Puerto Rico: PEN condemns attacks and smear campaign against writer and journalist Sandra Rodríguez Cotto

Murder of journalist Humberto Coronel in Paraguay

Image obtained from

Similarly, on September 9, the organization issued a statement demanding a «thorough investigation by the Paraguayan authorities into the murder of journalist Humberto Coronel.» In that statement, Pen International urged the authorities that “all lines of investigation must be exhausted, including not dismissing his work as a motive for the crime; every threat and murder against reporters is a strong blow for democracies”, declared the organization.

To read this full statement click on the following link:

Paraguay: PEN International condemns the murder of journalist Humberto Coronel

The Swedish PEN Center defends the Cuban artist Manuel Otero Alcántara

Image obtained from

Among other news, the Swedish PEN Center considered the artist Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, Cuban artist, activist and leader of the San Isidro movement, as the case of the month in the Twelve Voices Silenced campaign.

“Alcántara is known for his public appearances openly criticizing the Cuban regime and its totalitarian policies. He is co-author of the viral song «Patria y Vida», which has served as a kind of soundtrack for the massive protests in Cuba. On June 24, he was sentenced by a court in Havana for ‘disrespect for the symbols of the country’, ‘defamation’, and ‘disturbance of public order’. The penalty was five years in prison”, stated PEN Sweden.

To read the full note, click on the following link:

Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara is the case of the month in the Twelve Voices Silenced campaign
